Welcome back! Hopefully, you have had a little time to think about what interests you and what you would like to write about. The internet is huge so don't be discouraged if you think you have nothing to offer. Write about a hobby, write about your school, write about what you do on weekends, just start writing!
Before we get started, I would like you to notice something about this blog. And, for those who don't know what a blog is, it is short for weblog. A weblog is like your online diary. You don't have to add to it each day but the more articles you write, the more people will ultimately discover your blog.
You can keep your blog very targeted like writing about your family's activities, or you can write about a subject that appeals to a large audience. This blog I hope appeals to a large audience because I believe a lot of people would like to make money blogging.
The one thing I would like you to notice about this blog is that it currently is not monetized. It has no commercial ads or any kind of links that would make money. Why? Because I am starting right at the beginning and will show you step-by-step how you can write a money- making blog (as of 2018 it is monetized and this blog has had many thousands of visitors.)
I am not talking about making a few pennies here and there. Rather, if you are serious about making money and would like a sizable second or even first income then read on.
First things first, Google wants you to blog and wants you to succeed! They have designed their blogs with Internet Marketers in mind. Blogspot blogs are, in my opinion, the easiest to use and the easiest by far to set up to make money.
Google is by far the largest and most successful search engine on the internet today. This fact aids your blog. When you monetize your blog to benefit yourself and Google, Google will shoot your blog up in search results. I will show you step by step how to get your blog way up in search results which will get you quite a few readers.
Remember, to maximize the benefits of my lessons, please start at the beginning. If you skip lessons, you may miss some important information even though you may think you know it already.
Google blogspot blogs are totally free. They are free because Google would like you to advertise on your blog and make money. It is mutually beneficial. Google gets to advertise on your blog to your readers and you can make money by them doing so.
When Google places relevant ads on your blog (with your consent of course) the ads are part of the Google Adsense program. Adsense is only one way of many to make money on your blog. Generally speaking, it works like this. Let's say for example that your blog is about Harley Davidson motorcycles. You write about softtail motorcycles, bike rallies, biker chicks, saddle bags, or anything else concerning Harley's.
When a visitor comes to your blogspot, they see an ad for "Biker sunglasses". Your visitor clicks on the ad and you just made a little bit of money. That is all there is to Adsense.
You did not have to sell anything. You did not have to take any phone calls. You did not have to do anything except open up a Google Adsense account and allow Google to put ads on your blog.
I am going to be totally honest with you. There are only a couple Internet Marketers I know of that are getting rich off of Adsense ads. Some people do make $10,000 to $30,000 monthly just from Adsense ads but please don't expect that much. Most people make far less than this. Now, don't get me wrong. I believe in setting high goals and then trying to achieve them. But, there are easier ways of making money online, in my opinion, than just utilizing Adsense. Anyway, it does not hurt to place Adsense ads on your blog until you replace them with better ways of making money.
Your action step for this lesson is to get started. Sign up for a blogger blogspot blog and write your first blog. Make sure you publish it. When choosing a name for your blog try to get as specific as possible. For example, using the Harley example above, I would name it something like: the harley riders. Google will then adjust the name to index it as a blog. It would read something like:
htp://theharleyriders.blogspot.com. I purposely corrupted this link in case there really is a harley riders blog which there probably is.
If you have not started your blogspot blog yet, here is where you sign up. Just click on the following and you can sign up and start your blog now:
Google Blogger Blogspot Blogs
Please come back for Lesson #2 - Submitting Your Blog.
Submitting a blog to the right websites on the internet is crucial in order to get a lot of readers.
Have a Great Day!!!
Jeff T.
Interested in selling Tee shirts on your blog to make money or to sell online? Click here because I am doing it!