Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Teechip Campaign 3 Results So Far

So today is October 23, 2018 and I have been with Teechip since October 14th.  I still have not sold a single tee shirt and am feeling disappointed.  I must reiterate, though, that it is not Teechips fault.  I still like their set-up a lot and have become a master at negotiating through their website.

I feel that I am going to design some tee shirts that do really well and I believe that once you have a good shirt, it will make quite a bit of money.  Maybe I am wrong and I will go broke trying this business but I am not ready to throw in the towel yet.

Today I changed from advertising a single shirt to advertising my entire website with lots of shirts.  My reasoning is that shoppers will have more of a variety to shop from and will buy something.  As I am writing this, I have no sales and 6 people have come to my store.  When 25 people have seen my store and not purchased anything, I am calling it quits for this campaign.

My campaign right now is geared towards the Jewish holiday Hanukkah.  I made several humorous designs and I trying to sell a variety of products with the designs on them.  In addition to tee shirts, I am selling beach towels, phone cases, and mugs.

Perhaps the problem is that I am advertising too far in advance.  That is the reason I have become stubborn and I am still thinking that I will make money with this campaign.  I have quite a bit of ground to make up in sales so I hope that I start selling some products.  In my next post, I will show you the results of my sales when I hit 25 people visiting my Teechip storefront.  Hopefully, I will have a few sales.  Otherwise, I did a lot of work for nothing and will begin again with a brand new campaign.  Please don't forget to subscribe and follow this blog.  If I do fail at making money selling t shirts, I am going to move on to another online money maker.

Also, please note that I have a lot of comments below my previous blog posts.  I do not endorse any money making method that I have not personally tried and have been successful with.  Please use discretion and caution if you try any online venture.  Feel free to comment and ask me what I think about a money making program, as I have tried many.  I will give you my honest opinion and I want you to be more successful online than I have been so far.  Thanks for stopping by!

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