Monday, October 7, 2019

My Favorite Affiliate Program

My favorite affiliate program is called, "Clickbank."  Clickbank allows you to make money by selling mostly digital products and earning a great commission.  Some of the commissions you receive will be in excess of 50% of the sales price of the item and for each sale you can make as much as $100!

Most of the products that I offer, I receive a commission of around $25.00.  This can add up fast if you know what you are doing.  There are many YouTube videos that seek to teach you on how to make money through Clickbank.  In this short post, I am going to teach you how you can get started for free.

It does not cost anything to sign-up at Clickbank to sell other people's products.  This is the beauty of Clickbank.  You can try it out and see if you like affiliate marketing without spending any money.  I don't make any money plugging Clickbank.  So if you do decide to join, I did not make anything.  The reason I am promoting it is because I plan on having products for sale there soon and perhaps you can sell one of my products and make commissions and it is a win=win for both of us.

I will be brutally honest about something.  It is very hard to get traffic to your blog to sell Clickbank products.  Clickbank products do sell pretty well, depending on what they are.  However, you have to have visitors to your blog or else you won't sell anything.  Think of it like this, you build a store in the middle of a forest with a rough dirt road that only big trucks can ride down.  Maybe one or two trucks passes your store each day.  How many sales do you think you will make?

It is the same thing with the internet.  You can have the best blog online but if nobody sees it, you will make no money.  It takes months for people to find your blog unless you advertise it.  So this is where your cost comes in.  In order to make money, you need to spend money on advertising.  If you don't want to do this then this is what you can do.

You can set up a blog with a Clickbank product link and wait for your first sale.  It might take a year.  But eventually, you will make a sale.  When you do, you take that money and toss it into advertising so that you make more sales.

One of the quickest ways of making Clickbank sales without spending money is by doing YouTube videos on a topic that is close to a Clickbank product and then putting a link in your video description to your blog where you sell the product.  For example, in your video you can talk about different kinds of exercises that help you build muscle and then tell people to hop over to your blog for a couple more.  When they get to your blog you also have a link to a Clickbank product and when they buy it, you make money.

The best and fastest way to make money on Clickbank is through Google Advertising.  On Google ads, you place a catchy ad that people click on and go straight to your blog.  They then, hopefully, click on your Clickbank product offer and check out the product and buy it.  When they do, hopefully, you made more money than you spent on advertising.

I have found for products that I offer that it takes about 100 clicks at Clickbank to sell a product.  So it is very important that you try to pay less than 10 cents for each click that you pay Google.  If you are paying more in advertising than you make at Clickbank it is of course not worth it.

If you need help with Google advertising, here is a Clickbank product that can help you.  Click here for GOOGLE ADWORDS TRAINING

I wish you good luck with making money online through Clickbank!  


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