Saturday, December 26, 2020

How to Make Money with No Money

 So you have come here looking for ways to make money but you don't have any money to spend?  Well, you have come to the right place and I will explain an easy way that you can make money online and you need not spend anything.

I know it sounds too good to be true.  How can I make money if I don't have money to spend it on my business?  Well, if you are patient and put in the work, you will make money online.  And, you will make it for free!

Lots of internet marketers are out there trying to sell you on programs and tools to help you make money and although it is good to invest into your business and yourself, you really do not need to.  Some of the most powerful websites online are 100% free and you are reading one right now.

Google blogger blogs rank very well and I suggest that if you have no money, you sit back and think about what topic interests you.  Then, you start your own blogger blog and start writing articles.  It does take time before your articles start getting lots of traffic which produces money for you but, hey, you are starting out for free.  Then, when you do have some extra money, you can read a current book on how to promote your blog.  You should submit it to directories and feeds so people can find it.  Some of these are free while others do charge some money.  

As a blogger, you will also want to become very familiar with SEO which is the abbreviation for "search engine optimization."  You will be able to write articles that appear higher on the search engines so they get traffic.  It is a search engine that probably brought you to my article today.

With your free blog, you want a niche that you can write about a lot and not get tired of it.  And, you want something that is fairly fluid.  By fluid, I mean it changes periodically.  For example, a blog about the Los Angeles Rams would be awesome because you could write articles about each game, all the new players, and maybe even a little history that has not been covered about them.

The key is to have a blog that you can always add fresh content too, otherwise, your blog is static and more of a website.

Blogs make money through several ways.  One way is that you can put Google ads on it and each time a visitor clicks on an ad, you make some money.  Google makes it real easy to put ads on Blogger blogs.  I guess today though there is a waiting period of several months and they require a certain number of posts before you can monetize through ads.

The second (and fastest) way you can make money with no money with your blog is by offering affiliate products.  There are literally millions of products online that will pay you a portion of each online sale that you make by selling their items.  Below is an affiliate product ad.  If you purchase this, I get a portion of the sale and it does not affect the price of the course.  The reason I make money is that I am helping them sell their course by allowing their ad to be here.  I have not personally taken the course so use your own discretion as to if you want to take it or not.


The third way that you can make money with no money is by getting your blog visitors to take some action and that action pays you.  There is a network called, "Offervault" where you can choose such things as "lead acquisition" for companies.  This way each time someone signs-up through a link you place you make money.

Now if you want to make money with no money kind of offline is by placing an ad on Craigslist.  All you have to do is place an ad that says, "Wanted:  Good Clean Junk.  When people respond you just go pick up their junk and resell it on either eBay or Facebook Marketplace.  It is amazing how many people will just give you stuff because they don't want to deal with it.  And, if you don't sell the stuff for money, you can always just throw it out.

If you are interested in starting a blogger blog and want more tips and suggestions, I offer a free ebook that can help you get started.  You can get the ebook by Clicking Here.

You can also make money with no money whatsoever by joining what is called a freelancing company.  The best one that I recommend is called Fiverr and here you can do all kinds of stuff for online entrepreneurs and get paid.  You have to start out at a low rate but as people see your talents you will make a lot more money.  You really should invest in yourself and your business by enrolling in the following course.  It will quickly pay itself off as it was made by people who know Fiverr inside and out and know how to get the most business.  In fact, the course is guaranteed to satisfy you and it offers a full money back refund if you aren't happy with it.  If you have some extra money, I highly recommend that you buy the course today.

I hope I have answered your question as to how to make money with no money.  It really is possible but the blog route does take time and energy.  If you do choose the blog route though, it can be the most lucrative of all the ways to make money online.  Just make sure you pick a topic that you really like and can write many articles about it in your spare time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

How to Start a Start Up Part One

 I recently decided to start a new online business and it is one that you can follow.  In the past I made money online writing articles for clients and customers that found me on Fiverr.  If you don't know, Fiverr is a website where people go to purchase almost anything that can help them in their business.

So I chose as my new start-up a business model that is needed and inexpensive to start.  Basically, I am teaching people how to make money online as a freelancer for Fiverr.  I will take them from an absolute beginner and then teach them how to run a very successful business.  I guess you can call me a business coach but I really don't look at it this way.  Instead, I am just helping along the way and passing on my knowledge.  

The challenge to starting a business is really to focus on what you wish to do and have some sort of business plan on how it is going to make money for you.  I recommend that you write out a detailed 2 or 3 page plan and read it each day for a week or so before starting anything.  This should help you think of new ideas and then you can revise your plan.  In this post, I will share my first page of my business plan because it is essential that I get it right or else the rest of my plan will suffer.  I believe that when you are starting a business, you have to make sacrifices in the beginning.  If you are not willing to make sacrifices, it will be very hard for you to get through the first couple years which may be a tough time for your business.

So ask yourself that question right now.  Are you willing to make the sacrifices needed in order to start a start up?  I am, so let me tell you what they are for me.


The first thing I am going to do is rebrand my name because so many people cannot pronounce my last name and they repeatedly spell it wrong.  This will adversely affect my business and branding because I will lose customers.

So my new brand name will be Jeff Trainor.  I think most people will be able to remember the name Jeff Trainor and it is not difficult to spell.  Perhaps, I should have spelled it "Trainer" but I didn't.

My new business will utilize Google Ads as the primary method to gain new subscribers and because I am taking this business seriously, I will pay $99.00 per month for good business software.  My advertising budget in the beginning will be $50 per month and that money is coming from a sacrifice.  I am keeping a cheap phone so that I can use the money for Google ads.  

The $99.00 fee for my software will come from my eBay sales and will be paid in full by money I have saved up if I do not sell enough.  This I can sustain for a couple years while my business grows.


Anyway, basically that is how I am starting my start up. And, I started my new business on October 21, 2020.  If you want to follow along, please subscribe to my YouTube channel:  Jeff Trainor and here is my latest video.  Also, if you want to start a start-up and have no money, perhaps, you should join my emailing list.  Because a great way to start a business is by freelancing in your spare time and saving up some money.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Selling Digital Products

 Selling digital products is a lucrative way to make a lot of money online.  As long as the products that you offer are good, your return rate will be low and your profits will increase.  

The key to selling digital products online is to get a lot of traffic coming to your products.  It also has to be a product that is needed or wanted or else you will not sell many.


Generally when you are selling digital products, you can expect to receive large commissions.  This is the beauty of it all.  Commissions of 50% are very common and I have over 400 products that have very low return rates that pay 75% - 100% commissions.  If you are interested in selling more than the 25 above, I will let you in because there are too many for me to try to sell.  

If you have not been selling digital products for awhile, then I really do not recommend starting with your own product.  You can; however, it is a very good idea to familiarize yourself with the process first for awhile and then possibly jump into your own product.

Digital products are available in a bunch of different niches.  They include video series, audio books, ebooks, and memberships into member websites.  Digital products even include website domains, established websites, and even blogs like this one.

Website domain selling is pretty easy but it is like gambling and you have to get lucky.  This year in 2020, Pot domains are selling like hotcakes and many people made a killing by buying the domains cheaply and then sitting on them.  Just take a look at this photo.  The green price means that it sold for this amount.  The original price of this domain was most likely around $15.

Many domains are purchased for under 20 dollars and then sold for hundreds of dollars.  Here are a few that sold this year on ebay.

$888.00 is a hefty profit on a domain that was purchased probably for under 20 bucks.

Sometimes you can take advantage of a current situation and make money selling domains related to it.  This domain was bought cheaply and sold for a huge profit. The covid disease led to people buying domains like this one:

If you notice a common theme, you will notice that people are more inclined to buy top level premium domains with the .com extension.  But .org domains can also sell well.  Here is an example of one that recently sold.

I sell digital products but to be honest, I have not made money selling domains.  The ones I chose apparently were too average and nobody wanted them.  I am still holding onto a couple though so maybe in the future I will score.

Usually when you mention a digital product to someone, they automatically think of ecourses.  Ecourses sell really well on the internet because people need help doing stuff.  They might need help navigating through a particular website or they might need help growing huge tomatoes in their garden.  

If you want to sell digital products, i invite you to subscribe to my email list and/or my YouTube channel.  Just grab my top 25 above and you will be placed on my email list for free.  And, my YouTube channel is:  Jeffs Internet Marketing

Good luck making money online!  Hopefully, we will talk soon!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson

I heard about Clickfunnels a couple of years ago and checked it out and was impressed with the software.  The only problem is that I can't afford $97.00 a month to use it.  Clickfunnels is a Russell Brunson company and the one thing about Russell is that he knows the ropes to internet marketing.  He is an expert at getting traffic and Clickfunnels today is worth many millions of dollars.

I decided to purchase one of Russell's books called, "Traffic Secrets" and the book is so good that I can't put it down.  I have been thinking of traffic differently.  Write a blog like this one, make a website, and the traffic will just find me.  Nothing could be further than the truth.  

Traffic Secrets is by far the best book I have ever read about how to get online traffic.  And, we all know that the more traffic that you get to an offer, the more money that you will make.  You can pick up your own book at:  TRAFFIC SECRETS

I like to blog but what I really want to get into is YouTube.  So I recently started a new YouTube channel where I have a young adult puppet show that teaches people about the real sons and daughters of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses.  It is kind of like Percy Jackson for real.  If you like that kind of stuff, please hop over and subscribe to my channel.  THE POSEIDON CREW

Anyway, I am going to use what I learned in the Traffic Secrets book for growing my YouTube channel.  Russell says to focus your efforts on one platform in the beginning so that is what I'm going to do.  And, after reading this book, I suggest that you do the same.  Focus on one platform and dominate it.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Do Blogger Blogs Make You Money?

The quick and simple answer is "Yes."  However, the amount of money you can make with a blogger blog varies quite a bit.  The factors are the name of your blog, the length of time your blog has been on the internet, and how many posts your blog has.

I started this blog a long time ago and quite frankly I can't remember how long it has been.  But I can honestly tell you this:  this blog gets more traffic from search engines than all of my 10 other websites combined after about a year and a half that they have been up and running.

I contribute this to the fact that many people are looking for legitimate ways to make money online.  And, with a blogger blog it is free so all you have to do is start writing and wait for the traffic to start coming in.

In this post, I will cover the easiest ways to make money with your free blogger blog.  The key again is to pick a good title for it and you do this by searching the keywords.  I did not do that with this blog but the keywords "money" and "money maker" are pretty good.  Money maker gets about 5 thousand searches per month.  And, just money gets hundreds of thousands.  However, the competition is stiff and my blog shows up way down the ladder for those keywords.

When you make a blogger blog, first think about the products that you would like to sell.  For example, right now I am offering you a Clickbank product on how to make money online.  I offer this program by inserting the product link in this post just like this:  I personally have not taken this course but I know that Clickbank offers a solid guarantee so I don't have a problem selling programs that have a guarantee.  If you don't like it, you can get your money back.


Anyway, John has a lot of different ways you can make money online and one way is promoting his course to other people.

One of the great things about Google free blogger blogs is that you can advertise them on Google for a pretty low cost.  You can also make Youtube videos and then place the link of your blog in the video description to drive traffic to your blog.  You can direct visitors to a special page that you post that just has stuff for sale.  This is the best and most profitable way to make money with your free blogger blog.

Blogger blogs are accepted into the Amazon Affiliate Program where you can refer your traffic to Amazon and when they buy something you get a small commission.  This commission does add up though because everyone knows Amazon is a trusted retailer.

If you are going to try to make money with a free blogger blog, I would highly suggest that you take a course like John Cristani's above.  It will save you years of trying to figure stuff out and making many mistakes.  Throughout my affiliate career, I think I have made every mistake you could make and I should have taken a good course in the beginning.

If you are thinking of quitting your job for an online career as an affiliate marketer, please be advised that it takes months to get traffic to your website(s).  Like I said above, it can take several years before you are making any good money.  John Cristani will get you up and running fast.  And, of course, his course is guaranteed so you can try it out to see if it works for you.

I would put together a course but it would take a long time.  I provided you with the basics in this post.  It is like a recipe book. 

1.  Pick a good name for your blog that is heavily searched on Google
2.  Go to Google adwords and use the keyword search tool to figure out what name you should have for your blog.  Sometimes it is better to pick a smaller niche with less competition.
3. Write a few blog posts
4.  Make some Youtube videos and link to your blog in the description
5.  Join Clickbank for free and sell some programs on your blog
6.  You could also make your own digital product and sell it
7.  Use Google advertising to drive traffic to your blog (highly recommended)
8.  Use Youtube advertising to get more video views (also highly recommended)

Blogger makes blogging and making money easy.  Right above every post when you are writing it is a "Link" symbol that you click on and put your Clickbank offer links.  It is easy and fast and really people that say you can't make money with a blogger blog don't know what they are saying.  I have proof that my blogs get traffic and when you get traffic, you make sales.  That is the bottom line.
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