Saturday, October 3, 2020

Selling Digital Products

 Selling digital products is a lucrative way to make a lot of money online.  As long as the products that you offer are good, your return rate will be low and your profits will increase.  

The key to selling digital products online is to get a lot of traffic coming to your products.  It also has to be a product that is needed or wanted or else you will not sell many.


Generally when you are selling digital products, you can expect to receive large commissions.  This is the beauty of it all.  Commissions of 50% are very common and I have over 400 products that have very low return rates that pay 75% - 100% commissions.  If you are interested in selling more than the 25 above, I will let you in because there are too many for me to try to sell.  

If you have not been selling digital products for awhile, then I really do not recommend starting with your own product.  You can; however, it is a very good idea to familiarize yourself with the process first for awhile and then possibly jump into your own product.

Digital products are available in a bunch of different niches.  They include video series, audio books, ebooks, and memberships into member websites.  Digital products even include website domains, established websites, and even blogs like this one.

Website domain selling is pretty easy but it is like gambling and you have to get lucky.  This year in 2020, Pot domains are selling like hotcakes and many people made a killing by buying the domains cheaply and then sitting on them.  Just take a look at this photo.  The green price means that it sold for this amount.  The original price of this domain was most likely around $15.

Many domains are purchased for under 20 dollars and then sold for hundreds of dollars.  Here are a few that sold this year on ebay.

$888.00 is a hefty profit on a domain that was purchased probably for under 20 bucks.

Sometimes you can take advantage of a current situation and make money selling domains related to it.  This domain was bought cheaply and sold for a huge profit. The covid disease led to people buying domains like this one:

If you notice a common theme, you will notice that people are more inclined to buy top level premium domains with the .com extension.  But .org domains can also sell well.  Here is an example of one that recently sold.

I sell digital products but to be honest, I have not made money selling domains.  The ones I chose apparently were too average and nobody wanted them.  I am still holding onto a couple though so maybe in the future I will score.

Usually when you mention a digital product to someone, they automatically think of ecourses.  Ecourses sell really well on the internet because people need help doing stuff.  They might need help navigating through a particular website or they might need help growing huge tomatoes in their garden.  

If you want to sell digital products, i invite you to subscribe to my email list and/or my YouTube channel.  Just grab my top 25 above and you will be placed on my email list for free.  And, my YouTube channel is:  Jeffs Internet Marketing

Good luck making money online!  Hopefully, we will talk soon!

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